Tuesday, 1 December 2009

~and when d walls hv been broken~


sy sudaa tkr mode skang...
mode mrapu sudaa mnyerang kmbali...urrgghhh~~~


sudaa ku katakn...
lau x ske bce...
anda boley klik pgkh nun d ats sne...

dear diri sndri...
sudaa ku warning...
dont let ppl easily come into ur life...
if u easily connect ur life wif ppl from d outside...
dis is what u get...
pdn muke!!!

whai hati...
sile bina klmbali tembok mu...
lbih kukuh dr dulu...
so dat dis chaos wont threat u again...
u wont feel d hurt again...

its not dat i'm trying to fake d truth...
its just dat i dont wanna
remember about d past...
d past dat hv hurted me soo much...
dat i'm not sure...
when to heal...

dear hati...
sile..sile..sile..tbhkn diri...
bine tmbok yg lbih kebal...
dan boley dpcayai...

so dat u wont
feel any misery...
n wont hurt anybody...


*seriously da putus fius..haaiisshhhh...
(credit to sadis..virus mu sudaa mnyerang daku...huhu..ayat sastera belaka kowtt..) MyEm0.Com


pakurawan said...

peh, ending yang menarik..
credit to sadis ae?..len kali letak link sekali..

-virus sucsessfully send-


QteenaHazman .: said...

eheh??x pyh kasik link..blog ko da masyhur seantero dunia..huhuhu =p

eatyu said...

pe nih qus???

Black Feather said...

life is the way it is. u can do it,, just give way 4 us to be with u,, to go tru this WITH u. do know dat lots of ppl love u,,syg.

my dearest love to u~

QteenaHazman .: said...

thanks a lot fara..i'll try..insyaallah.. (n_n)

bibot yang tade blog (?) said...

sometimes we need the right time to break the wall. may now maybe in the future. you know your self better mama.

mama jangan emo2. take care! :)

QteenaHazman .: said...

tq bibot..eheh..yee laa tuh ko tader blog..sparuh nyawa aku m'google nyer taw...jmpe pownnn..ngeh3.. =p

bibot yang tade blog (?) said...

klo ko jumpe tu, itu bukan belog aku.


QteenaHazman .: said...

ngehehe..cm tuh ehh??tp aku tgk gye 'mroyan'empunya blog ade gye ala2 ko..hehe =p